Get Benazir Kafalat Money Through NADRA 13 Digit CNIC Verification

To receive Benazir Kafalat Money through NADRA ID card verification, follow the steps outlined in this article. Read through to understand the process thoroughly.

Benazir Kafalat Money 10500+4500

To receive the updated Benazir Kafalat payment, ensure your identity card is updated through NADRA. This verification process is mandatory for withdrawing money. Present your ID card to the representative who will confirm your identity, complete biometric verification, and facilitate the withdrawal of your money.

Benazir Kafalat 10500 Application Process

Online Check Benazir Kafaalat Money

To check your unpaid stipend amount online, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the 8171 portal on Google using your mobile or laptop.
  2. Click on the first website that appears.
  3. Enter your ID card number in the form provided.
  4. Input the code shown in the image.
  5. Check the details displayed regarding your account balance.

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Get Benazir Kafalat Money Through CNIC Verification

To withdraw money using your ID card, follow this simple procedure:

  1. Visit the Benazir post office with your ID card.
  2. Provide your ID card to the representative for verification.
  3. Complete the thumb verification process.
  4. Check the amount available in your account.
  5. Withdraw the money if available.

How to Check Your Payment Online

BISP 8171 Ineligible Persons Registration

If you haven’t registered for the Benazir Kafalat Money program and wish to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the BISP office with your ID card and children’s bay form.
  2. Provide your address card to the representative.
  3. Submit all required information, including name, address, mobile number, ID card number, and the number of children.
  4. Your information will be verified.
  5. You will receive a message from 8171 informing you of your eligibility status.

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The Benazir Kafalat program provides financial assistance of Rs 10,500 every three months to eligible families. Ensure your ID card is updated through NADRA to withdraw money from the Benazir office. Follow the steps above to check your payment status and complete registration if you are ineligible.

Read More here.


How can I check my eligibility status for the Benazir Kafalat Program?

You can check your eligibility status online by visiting the 8171 portal, entering your ID card number, and submitting the form.

What is the amount of financial assistance provided under the Benazir Kafalat Program?

Eligible individuals receive Rs 10,500 every three months.

How do I register for the Benazir Kafalat Program?

You can register by visiting the BISP office with your ID card and children’s bay form and submitting the required information.

Can I withdraw money without ID card verification?

No, ID card verification through NADRA is mandatory to withdraw money from the Benazir Kafalat Program.

What should I do if my ID card is lost or expired?

You should update your ID card through NADRA immediately to ensure you can withdraw your money from the Benazir office.

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